O. K. Today I'm really trying to get serious about my spiritual growth.
My meditation was serious. I set up an angel altar with my angel statue, crystal, and a deck of angel cards. I picked a card and studied it. This is what I intended to meditate on. At least it gave me a starting point.
I was much surprised to, what I can only describe as, start seeing out of my third eye?! My eyes were closed and I never had my third eye opened before, but that is where what I was seeing was comin from! I see mainly colours, but also vague images. I get strong feelings.
I felt Archangel Michael who I had called to and I think I felt Mother Mary. There was more, which is why I was so excited and had to record it, but i can't seem to remember with all my bustling about to get ready.
There was the purple-blue of Archangel Michael?
There was white. I'm not sure what that represented. It seemed to be healing.
There was dark blue.
The lights were 3-d and were washing over me. I felt cleansed and purified and safe and warm and excited. It seemed so loving that I didn't want it to end, but it very abruptly did.
So, what now? I'm going to try to stay on my path, and keep reaching out to my angels.
Another time I want to write down how I remembered.
Angel Blessings
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